This is very sad.
This is very shameful.
This is very disgraceful.
This is really humiliating.
This is an attack on the Turban.
This is a challenge to Sikhs.
This is an attack on a Religion.
This is blatant violation of human rights.
This happened on 28th of March, 2011.
Rural Pharmacists were protesting against the government for not accepting their demands.
This was a democratic protest.
The protesters were lathi-charged.
But what happened at that time is there in this 13 seconds clip.
You have now seen the clip.
Do you find any provocation?
Do you find any reason to do, what was done?
That’s why it is very SAD
And the SAD part is
This Happened In MOHALI
MOHALI you know is in PUNJAB
And the Punjab you know
Is ruled by a government run by
How SAD….
How SAD….
How SAD….
How SAD….
Yes Punjab, is for peace in Punjab
Yes Punjab, is for brotherhood in Punjab
We don’t want to provoke anyone
But should everyone not know, WHAT’s HAPPENNING?
-Yes Punjab demands QUICK & STERN Action against the guilty.
COMMENT ON THIS POST, but no abusive language, please.